Feeding time fun!

Building your puppy’s vocabulary with food…
Use your pup’s meal times to perform efficient, effective positive reinforcement training.
No need to fish for “what motivates” most puppies. If you feed them 2-3 defined portion meals a day, they’ll be hungry when it’s time to go to work.
Don’t give up if your puppy doesn’t eat immediately at mealtime. Simply offer food at the normal time and if they don’t eat, take it away until their next meal time. Now offer again. If they don’t eat, repeat the process.
Most pup’s will eat immediately by the end of the first day, if not by morning on day two.
*If your pup will go more than 2 days without eating, you should seek immediate help from a qualified professional trainer.*
Now with your feeding routine established, you can begin training at meal times.
You can easily work on vocabulary, engagement, relaxation, crate manners and most important, bonding with your puppy over their food bowl.
I offer both in-home and video lessons on what I feel is the most efficient way to get all this stuff done in the same exercise. Yes, you heard me right…
You can not only bond with your pup at meal time, you can teach them basics of engagement with you, how to relax in their crate, their basic vocabulary words like their name, “come”, “place”, “sit”, “lay down” and “wait” and more in a single exercise. It takes a few minutes at meal time. That’s all.
Most importantly, using the right technique, you can teach your pup how to experiment with “good” behavior to get something they want, setting the stage for good decision making in the future.
Call me and I’ll get you set up with the details.